This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Monday, 16 December 2013
The Reverse key 2
Hello there this is an presentation about elves I hoped you learn heaps thank you very much and can you please leave me a comment GOO BYE.
The Reverse Key
Hi this is an Google drawing about Things I don't want for Christmas so here is an picture of it I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment thank you very much.And good bye.
Thursday, 12 December 2013
Hi I hope you really love this movie I hope you enjoy thank you very much.
Year 5 WalkOnOff from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Year 5 WalkOnOff from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
How to make a graph on Google apps
Hi this is an presentation about how to make a graph on Google apps.
My favourite Kiwisport
Hello there this is an picture of My favourite Kiwisport and my least favourite kiwisport.These are the people that liked or not liked our sport's this year I hope you enjoy thank you very much and please leave me a comment good bye.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Eric's Greek Travel Diary 4
Hi today I am now posting up my Reading activity it is a presentation about Eric's Greek travel Diary.I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment thank you very much.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Trip 2013
Hello today our class made a graph to show which trips were the most favourite and least this year.Can you see which trip is the most favourite.
Hi this is an Google drawing that I made in maths class.I hope you enjoy thank you very much and please leave me a comment.
My 2013 Reflection
Hello this is a presentation about our 2013 Reflection I hope you enjoy thank you very much.And please leave me a commment.
Thursday, 5 December 2013
My Thinkers
Here are ten thing that will not happen on a farm.hope you enjoy thank you.
1.What is an animal that lays eggs.
2.what kind of animal that has red dark feathers.
3.what eats wheats.
4.what has chicks.
5.what lives in hay.
My 2013 reflection
This is my Reflection.
This year I am reading below and I don’t want to be behind.Next year I want to be at the reading level that I am not all the way at the back.The books that we’ve read was eric’s Greek Travel Diary,pickled thumb anyone,Happy birthday school,A wife for Te ra but my favourite book is The wing’s of maui’s moa because it is an tongan book and I like reading tongan stuff that why.
Next year I want to be an awesome reader and want to reach my reading goal.
I find writing a little bit hard for me and I know that it is the hard’s subject that I want to pass.This year I should be at not below or behind but next year I would like to be at the hight’s goal ever.sometimes we’ve written fairy tale story’s,fable,made up stories and lot’s of different kind of stuff that I’ve forgotten.
I think that next year I should be a good writer and the best.
I really love love maths it is my favourite subject in the whole universe when we are with the teacher sometimes I know some answers but then no.This year I enjoyed having math’s I wish that next year we are having maths.Oh and I love math’s because we have our own accounts and it is called math whizz and xtraMath it teaches us math’s things like pulse's,takeaways,divide bys,times.I want to learn my time table’s and my divide by.
I hope that I would learn all of the sgerdigies and be the best.
Topic is my second best subject because I like it when we have trip’s and I really want to learn heaps of things and want to explore everything.It is so cool because I get to see heaps of things and write about it and we get to make art and other kind of things we do.The trips we’ve been to is Kelly Tarton’s,Ambary Farm and yout town my favourite trip was Kelly Tarton’s it was so cool.
I really like topic that I can’t wait for our next topic next year.Our topic has been an amazing thing every year.
I think that when we ever go to I.C.T room sometimes I never get to finish of my work but sometimes I do it is easy sometimes but it’s kind of hard.eLearning is cool because you learn how to draw new things and from now to next year I am going to be the best drawer ever.
E Learning might be the best thing but it ain’t for me but sometimes I like it next year I am going to do harder.
P.E is fun and amazing for me and other people too.Whenever I hear that there is a sport coming then all my friends and I go and join in.The sports that we’ve played is Netball,Rugby league,Football,Cricket,Softball,Triathlon and swimming it is cool and I hope next year I am going to play all of the sports when I am a year six and when I turn ten.
Next year I am able to play again with my friends and do everything.
When it is next year I think I know what I am going to do and I think I am going to be best at every subject and I will prove my goal every time.
Jessica and katareina presentation Greek travel Diary 2
hi today we made an presentation about this book we read I hope you enjoy thanks.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Ambury farm
Hi this is my Ambury farm writing I hope you enjoy thank you and please leave me a comment thanks.
There was excitement around our class. We were happy and joyful to be going to Ambury farm. so we can learn more stuff about the animal and other things. We did our roll quickly and made sure we were all settled and rushed to the hall.
While we were in the hall,Mr burt came and prayed for the year 5 student’s and just said a few things to us and the teachers and parents. before we went my Miss Ouano checked if anybody wanted to go toilet and there was heaps of people running to the toilet and some kinds were walking. After that room thirteen and half of 18 went on one bus and room 14 and some kids from room 18 went on the other bus lucky them I think they got to do anything but in our bus we didn’t.
Immediately I saw this farm and then I said to my friends “look we are here” and it was so noisy! when we got of the bus we ate our morning tea and then we all had to go in the barn. When I went into the barn it smelt funny but it looked amazing too a lady called Debbie told us some things about the farm. we played a game.
then we had to make two groups and the first group is going to see the cows get milked and the second group get to go to the shearing shed. It was a stink, I couldn’t breath with my noise so I decided to breathed with my mouth instead. we learnt what lanolin is. it is this oil that protects the sheeps skin and makes it dry .
After that we went to the milking shed, it was so awesome because I got to pat a big cow I was really scared.
Splitting up in three groups was cool because we got to feed heaps of animals. we got to feed was lamb,goat,Chicken,clav,pigs and the lucky last one was we got to see was the bulls.
Hello this is my conclusion.It was my first time At Ambury farm it was so amazing that I kinda miss all my animals at tonga that I just want to go back there everytime.
Friday, 22 November 2013
How to make Cheese
Hello this afternoon I am publishing my How to make Cheese presentation up to my blog I hope you enjoy oh and I forgot that I only have three slid's and please leave me a comment thank you.
Acrostic poem
Hi there as you can see this is a picture and it is about Acrostic poem and I hope you like my picture thank you and please leave me a comment.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Maori Prayer
Good morning today our class had to make a Google drawing or a presentation all about the Maori prayer that we learn.Here is the prayer in Maori and in englishI hope you enjoy thanks and please leave me a comment.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Tis' the season to be jolly
Hi there as you can see I have finished my reading activity and know I just post it up and here it is,I hope you enjoy thank you much and I hope you leave me a comment thanks.
I learned from this story to not be bossy because then you might not know what you’re thinking and doing. I learned something else too
I learned from this story to not be bossy because then you might not know what you’re thinking and doing. I learned something else too
and it is remember to do something before you do the fun things and cool things after.And it make’s me think that dad could have tied the rope through the back seats so then he could get in and out properly instead of sliding through the window’s and then doing it again when he gets back home,and he could of post mum’s parcles before they go and do the tree haunting.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Beef vs Dairy
Hi today my class and I was doing a Venn Diagram of Beef and dairy.I hope you enjoy and thank you.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Picked thumb,anyone
Hello this is my Google drawing of a book that we read and it is called Pickled thumb,anyone.Thank you very much and please leave me a comment.I hope you enjoy.
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
Hello this afternoon my class and I had to answer these words and say what are the meaning.And the we have to do Google drawing and have to have a picture with five words meaning.thank you very much and can you please leave me comment.
Here is a my Google drawing.
Here is a my Google drawing.
Friday, 25 October 2013
Dairy Farmer
Hi today I made a presentation all about milk I hope you lrean heaps about it thak you.
Hi today I worte a paragraph just all about Orienteering.
Today we went to do some Orienteering .If you don’t know how to play orienteering then I will tell you what it is.Orienteering is a like a running sport where you have a piece of paper and you this big plastic paper where it tell’s you to go and you have to find letters on the little paper when you find this white long pole and when you it you have to look around it just to see if it has a letter and you have it then you put your piece of paper under it and perce this thing down but it is just like when you are stapling something THE END.
My alphabet key word presentation about farm things
Hi there everyone today I made a presentation all about the things that is in the farm I hope you are enjoying my presentation thank you very much and please leave me a comment.
Thursday, 24 October 2013
Fire on the Farm
Hi today my reading group and I were working on our reading activity and here is my activity.And please don't forget to leave me a comment thank you very much for visiting my blog good-bye.
The dangers things are that people could get hurt or even die and affecting things from the fire instead the tree’s are the houses. In Australia there is a bushfire in Sydney and close off popular blue Mountains.
Australian fire authorities believed Wednesday would provide extremely dangerous fire conditions for the Blue Mountains region, west of Sydney, with low humidity and winds gusting up to 100km an hours.
Monday, 21 October 2013
Persuasive Arguments
hi today Room thirteen worte about should we or not have school on friday to sunday or should just have it evryday.
In New Zealand,we should have school from monday to friday so we can learn better and spend time with our firends and teachers and have free time and sometimes go on trips to any where that you havn’t been to.
In my opinion is that we should have school every week but in my mind I don’t want to be dumb and I don’t want people to think I am a loser and a dork.
Friday, 18 October 2013
Do you eat grass?
Hello there as you can see I have made some thing that we eat grass I hope you enjoy thank you please leave me a comment.
Immersion Assembly
Hello this is just a paragraph that I wrote today and it is about Immersion Assembly.And here is a movie so you can watch.
The people that were having a competition was Miss walters and Noah.During when they were eating they were giving out some pancakes for free with white cream on top it looked delicious but I never ate some anyway.My faveourite part of Assembly was when Miss walters had white cream all over her face and her hair is tied up as a little girl having fun and lip stick all over her mouth and it was on her chin too.that was my funny part.THE END
Immersion Assembly Term 4 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
And I hope you enjoy it.First day of school I didn’t wanted to come school today because I just want to be at home with my cousin’s But I came.In Immersion Assembly teachers were dressed up for acting .Ohh yehh I forgot to tell you our topic for this tearm is What in the world is going on.You know how the teachers come up with somthing funny it wasn’t funny at all but there was this team called team three made me laugh hard out that I was almost going to die but I was still alive.Team three came up with an idea and they are learning about pancakes.So they said how about we should have a competition eating pancakes.The people that were having a competition was Miss walters and Noah.During when they were eating they were giving out some pancakes for free with white cream on top it looked delicious but I never ate some anyway.My faveourite part of Assembly was when Miss walters had white cream all over her face and her hair is tied up as a little girl having fun and lip stick all over her mouth and it was on her chin too.that was my funny part.THE END
My cousin's birthday Ana
Hi today I wort
about my cousins birthday cause it was cool and it is and please leave me a comment thank you.
about my cousins birthday cause it was cool and it is and please leave me a comment thank you.
all my family came to my step grandma’s dad’s house and some kids from
the next door neighborhoods came because it was my cousin Ana’s birthday
on tuesday but we celebrate it on last sunday before school starts.
we all came back from church all the kids went to the back and played
ball tiggy and the adults went inside to practice singing for a special
thing on this friday.If you don’t know how to play ball tiggy it goes
like this you have to have a person that will be the tagger and the
tagger has to tag them by throwing the ball at them and then they will
be in.It was so exciting to all of us because at night we watched a
scary movie it was called scary movie five it was suposed to be scary
but it wasn’t it was funny and we were laughthing our butt off at this
litle house where we all play games and watch movies and betened we are
joining in the x-F actor.
that the parents called us to come and eat.The food that we ate was
mash pataetoes,sausages,hseep leg that is tongan food but I didn’t eat
it cause it looked yuk! to me.And there was some drink for us to drink
it was mango with sprite I hate it but I still drank it because I would
had nothing to drink.And then they said to come and sing happy birthday
to my cousin she was feeling shy so we sang it was a little bit oukwould
to me.but the funny part was that her mum told her to turn the cake to
the adiance but she turned it to herself and we were laughthing hard
out.THE END.
What in the world is going on?
As you can see I have drawn a picture of our topic of this tearm.This tearm I want to know how do they make lollies and how do they clean the milk? Thank you for looking and please leave me a comment.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Happy birthday Miss lavakula
Today was Miss Lavakula's birthday we were celebrating her 32 birthday.In the morning we made our own hats and we had to draw an Invitation on sumo paint and put on our own blog. After that we ate chop sue and some rice and we drank some drink but I did not know what flavour it was.After that we ate cup cakes when it was nearly morning tea.After morning tea Miss lavakula sent us a email so we can choose witch movie we should watch and we are going to eat popcorns and Ice blocks and then she told us if we wanted to go on our net books and play some games or just sit on the mat and watch sky high it was pretty cool.HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS LAVAKULA.
Waiohine flood
The day before yesterday me and my reading group Marmite's had to make a animation about Waiohine flood poem and we each had a verse to animate and put it on our blog and here is a short movie that I made.
Jessica waiohine flood v5 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Jessica waiohine flood v5 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Fairytale Research
Hello today I am telling you all about Goldilocks and the three bears.
Goldilocks and the three bears,is a England tale so it is from England.It was first publish in 1839 and twelve years from this year I got all of this from Googel search.
Play 2
hi this is my play reflection that I wrote.
last friday we performed our play and some things worked like the audience was listening and quiet but some things didn’t work like some people was saying hurry up so we can have free time.Next time I was thinking that I should tell my group to bring their costumes and do some actions.I was in Taunese’s group and it was okay a little bit and our second play was a little bit frustrating because the people in our group wasn’t here and they forgot their books at home and I was the only one with the book.After all of that we didn’t have time for our pay because it was almost home time and I felt sad when it was home time I really wanted to do our play cause we were the only one that didn’t did our play.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Esther again
Today in C.R.E we learned about Esther and Mordecai.Miss Hare and Mrs Clark were dressed up in Costumes.
In the story of Mordecai heard about the letter so Mordecai gave the letter to Esther's slave.Esther's slave went to her and she reeded the letter and the letter said all Jewish parents and children are to be killed and their property are to be taken.
In the story of Mordecai heard about the letter so Mordecai gave the letter to Esther's slave.Esther's slave went to her and she reeded the letter and the letter said all Jewish parents and children are to be killed and their property are to be taken.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Hello I am telling you all about timeline of boys he is growing older on every years.Timeline is a line that shows ageing
Monday, 16 September 2013
All about the Moriori people
good morning ladies and gentle men and boys and girls today Monday sixteen I made a presentation all about the Moriori people and Rekohu it is really amazing and do you know what I learned heaps of things from them.thank you alot and enjoy you are welcome.And please leave me a comment.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Aladdin vs the Hare and the Tortoise
Hi everyone today I made a Venn diagram about Aladdin and the hare and the tortoise.And I hope you leave me a comment and enjoy.Thank you very much heaps of thanks to all of you's.
Trip to youth town
hello there as you can see I made a presentation all about you town because we went there yesterday it was so fun because it was in the city.thank you very much and I hhope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Esther contiunes
Today at C.R.E we continued with Esther and Xerxes.One day Mordecai which is Esther's cousin was at the palus because he got a job from the king.In the afternoon he heard some guards whispering to each other and said how about lets go and kill Xerxes and assinated so he ran and told the king.The king said that we should have a new Primenister his name was Haman and he was so excited and then after that he made a new plane it was if he would walk around all the people have to bell down to him but there was one person that did not do what he asked for so then he told Xerxes and he said send a letter to all the people and tell them kill mum,childs and dads near the country.After that Mordecai was crying and ripping his clothes off.Tell more next week the end and please please please leave me a comment thank you very much.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Interview with my friend
Hello and good afternoon.On Monday we went to life education and learnt about why are friends important and who are the important one in our family I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.
1. What is your full name?Rowana Tui
2. Who, if anyone, are you named after? Her Nana
3. Who are other members of your family? Her Great grammar and Her Great gramper.
4. Do you have any pets? yes What are their names? Jessie and Rocky.
5. What is your ethnicity? samoan,tongan.
6. When is your birthday?At the end of the year.
7. What is the name of your favourite book? Rapunzel
8. What is the name of your favourite tv programme? Austin and Ally.
9. Who is your favourite singer?Demi lovato
10. What is your favourite song?Bulletproof
11. What is your favourite sports?Netball,Rugby
12. What is your favourite food?Butter Chicken
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?Cooker
14. What do you want to do for your next birthday?Huawei
15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?Hollywood
My Baking
Hi everybody yesterday we made cupcakes for our class it was super moist cupcakes they were really yummy.I hope you enjoy thank you very much and please leave me a comment.

Baking Cupcakes from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Baking Cupcakes from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
King and Queen
Today in C.R.E with Mr.s Clark told us a story it was about Esther.One day there was king and Queen named Xerxes and Vashti.king Xerxes told all the people that was near and far come to his pales and have party for six mounths.After that Xerxes said to a slave go and tell Vashti to come so I can show her off to all the how she is so beautiful but she said no so then he said to his older buddie and said Queen won't listen to me and he said send her off and don't let her come back.and she did after that he was lonely and said to his buddie what should we do and he said beauty contest and they all got the beautiful and this woman named Esther took part of this and do you know what she won the contst and she was the new Queen.
We learned to be and do the best that we can.We can do this by listening and being kind and thoughtful.
Ephesians 2: 10 God planed for us to do good things.
We learned to be and do the best that we can.We can do this by listening and being kind and thoughtful.
Ephesians 2: 10 God planed for us to do good things.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Cross country
Last Thursday, Point England school had cross country outside on the court. It was a beautiful nice day, it felt like I was baking in the hot sun. All about cross country was the fun run that’s why we did it.
Looking around me was the only fast people that I know,I was shaking nervously to death because I always think that I will come last but when I was standing waiting in line till its my turn I saw My friend it was her turn to run its almost like a marathon.Everyone was sprinting and gasping for air running in the squishy mud their feet was like a stick covered with Dark Chocolate I said to myself “eeeeuuuuu that’s just disgusting’’.Behind me was the ten year old boys it was so gross because I felt something under my bottom it was a sticky bubble gum stuck under my bum. I looked at the back of me there were two boys laughing at me. I knew it was them so I undid it, because someone might look at my bottom and then mock me. Then my friend said to me “is it our turn?" I Replied Yes it is so we lined up and walked normally to the beginning. our Principal said we just have to wait until all the other people clears the track for you guys okay when it was time he said the magic word get mark get set Go we ran fast as we can and there was buzz of excitement cheering for our house colours.When I looked down I saw mud oozed through my toes it was just not cool. When I was running and running I was almost the last one in the ten year old girls but I said to myself “I can do this Jessica’’ and so I ran and ran until I met My Bff and said to me “I don’t want to do this ever again I’m just going to stay home next year’’ when I passed Miss walter and Miss King I raced till the end. I was so exhausted so this lady said here you go Thank you I said. Here is a link for you to go on
Life's a stage Venn Diagram
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Is it easy to love others?
Today we learned about a story in the bible.It was about Onesimus, Philemon and Paul. Onesimus stole from Philemon and ran away to Rome. There, he met Paul.
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus.Onesimus returned back to Colossae and said sorry.
I think that it's easy to say sorry because my friends a so nice they can forgive me just like my family.
People can say sorry to me and I will just say I forgive you.
Thank you very much please leave me a comment.
IMG 0647 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Paul wrote a letter to Philemon on behalf of Onesimus.Onesimus returned back to Colossae and said sorry.
I think that it's easy to say sorry because my friends a so nice they can forgive me just like my family.
People can say sorry to me and I will just say I forgive you.
Thank you very much please leave me a comment.
IMG 0647 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 23 August 2013
Fractions and Decimals
Loving and Caring
Today in C.R.E we learned about showing LOVE to everyone even when it's hard.We learned heaps of things today and we sang a song at the end.Sometimes I find it hard to LOVE people when they are grumpy,angry and when they are just not listening to me and sometimes I find it easy to LOVE others when they care about me just like Jesus and god even though I like it when they are nice to me and when they are helping me
please leave me a comment thank you very much.
My Kakariki
This story is about a parrot that lives in the bush his feathers are green but long long ago its feathers were bright red.All the other birds thought that kakarikis feathers are so beautiful.They were longed to be brightly colored red but especially he kaka whose feathers were so dusty and ugly brown he said to himself Why can’t I look so beautiful too? He was so angry at himself.He wished he could get those red feathers off of kakariki.Next day when kaka saw kakariki, he replied to him when are you going to get rid of those silly feathers? All the birds are laughing at you.You are flying around showing off your wings they were so beautiful but now look at them they really look ugly.Kakariki was surprised he replied I like my feathers no one has ever laughed at me before and so he flew away showing off his flashing bright red wings and twisting and turning as he flies.
After a while kakariki replied to kaka I can’t help having these feathers I’m sorry that they’re so bright they annoy everybody .But what can I do no one else would want them they are so ugly so kaka flew up where kakariki was sitting and kakariki said to him why can’t you give your feathers to me and so he stucked them under his wings no one will see them here so he flew to this branch and he spread his wings out and showed them off all the birds was wow by the feathers but it was actually a trick.Past few years kaka grew some new feathers it was brightly colored green but he still wanted his red highlighted feathers.THE END THANK YOU
Thursday, 8 August 2013
The Three little pigs
So the next item was team four Miss garden was the narrator.She was retelling the story of the three little pigs and Mr Marks was the big bad wolf and the three little pigs were Miss Lavacula ,Miss Ouano and Mr s after saying good by mother so then they went of to find something to build their own house.The first pig was small,smart and tough then she saw a woman with some hey so she started to build her.during her relaxing she heard a noise it was the big bad wolf she ran fast like the wind to her house but then she was too late because the wolf said i will huff and i will puff and i will blow your house down.So he huff and he puffed and the little pigs house was blowen by the big wolf’s stinky breath but one sceoned later the big bad ate the pig poor thing.Next was the sceoned little pig she was large brany then the first little piglet do you know why because she thought hey wasn’t good so she thought of sticks are very sharp and storng when she was buiding her house she went to settal her body for a while but then she heard a noise it was the hungry wolf the seconed pig ran to her house but no time for her to run away the big wolf said little pig little pig let me in before I will huff and I will puff and I will blow your dam house down and she ran well actshliy she was draging her boy across the stage but then too late the wolf ate her den den den.
And again here comes the third pig he was good looking and rich and he was too cool and do you know what he smarter than those little girls but he looked and looked and he saw a man with some bricks it cost heaps of money so he gave the owner all the money that he had so the little pig was struggling with the bricks because it was too heavy for a little pig like this but when he was at home he was just about to finish until he heard the big bad wolf coming along from out of the blues. But the little pig said who are you and the wolf announced I am I am a wolf that blows other little pigs houses and then after that I eat them so I’m going to puff and I will huff and I will blow your house down but he couldn’t because his house is made out of bricks and bricks are hard to blow so he thought of an Idea he went up the roof and climb down but the little pig got a pot with boiled water it was so hot that it might burn anything of your body and then the wolf suddenly put his bum in the pot and he got bunt for life and never came back.THE END.Click here to see a video and here is a picture too.
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
We are learning to be Cyber smart,
Being a Cyber smart,you must know email to open and which email to delete.You must not give out your parents pin number or your last name and your address.You should not open the emails hat is from someone that you don't know,you can tell a parent or an adult.It is safe if you copy these Ideas.Here is a link more about Cyber smart
And can you please leave me a comment.
Being a Cyber smart,you must know email to open and which email to delete.You must not give out your parents pin number or your last name and your address.You should not open the emails hat is from someone that you don't know,you can tell a parent or an adult.It is safe if you copy these Ideas.Here is a link more about Cyber smart
And can you please leave me a comment.
Tuesday, 6 August 2013
C.R.E or Christian Religious education
Mrs Clarke comes into our classroom every Tuesday afternoon.we have learned lots of different things like: song story's and different kind of stuff.C.R.E is cool I can't wait until next week so I can learn more about Jesus and and every one of them when they were alive but here is some photo thank you for reading and I hope you leave me a comment thank you very much C.R.E is cool.
Thursday, 11 July 2013
Antarctica Movie
hi every body to I made at the ICT room was my Antarctica movie I hope you like it and please leave me a comment thank you.
jessica Antarctica from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 5 July 2013
My wildlife Reasrech
hi as you can see this presentation I made is all about blue Whales I hope you leave me a comment I hope you like it.
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Te Papa's Colossal Squid
Hello everybody here is three pictures that I drawed and here are some facts about I never knew and I hope you like it and I hope you leave me a comment.
I learnt that the interesting discoveries was the length of the squid's beak.
it had ovaries full of thousand of eggs, so it was a female.
the eggs are taken out to be displayed separately.
Friday, 28 June 2013
The seal woman
long ago,there were some seals that are magical they can take of their skins and when they get out of the water they change into a person. On that day there was a farmer that was walking among the mountains when he looked down he saw them dancing without their skins so then he looked at the beautiful skins lying on the rocks so he went to get the skins and when he touched the skins they ran as fast as they can and got into their own skins.
but there was only one more woman that begged for her skin back but the farmer really wanted so then the farmer made a deal with her he said I would like to marie you can i please marie please and the woman said yes.So the woman was at the backyard doing some hard jobs like feeding the pigs and picking up poop with tears in her eyes.But one day the farmer was off fishing with his other mates in the ocean. during the day the seal woman’s child came to help her find her skin so her mother looks everywhere for her skin but she found it so she gave the skin to the daughter and she got her self in the skin and truned in to a seal and ran out to the mountains and stood at the eged of the rocks and she stared back at the house and felt sorry for him so she jumped into the ocean and swam away and thought that she never ever come back again hope you love my pictures and leave me a comment please.

but there was only one more woman that begged for her skin back but the farmer really wanted so then the farmer made a deal with her he said I would like to marie you can i please marie please and the woman said yes.So the woman was at the backyard doing some hard jobs like feeding the pigs and picking up poop with tears in her eyes.But one day the farmer was off fishing with his other mates in the ocean. during the day the seal woman’s child came to help her find her skin so her mother looks everywhere for her skin but she found it so she gave the skin to the daughter and she got her self in the skin and truned in to a seal and ran out to the mountains and stood at the eged of the rocks and she stared back at the house and felt sorry for him so she jumped into the ocean and swam away and thought that she never ever come back again hope you love my pictures and leave me a comment please.

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