This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Happy birthday Miss lavakula
Today was Miss Lavakula's birthday we were celebrating her 32 birthday.In the morning we made our own hats and we had to draw an Invitation on sumo paint and put on our own blog. After that we ate chop sue and some rice and we drank some drink but I did not know what flavour it was.After that we ate cup cakes when it was nearly morning tea.After morning tea Miss lavakula sent us a email so we can choose witch movie we should watch and we are going to eat popcorns and Ice blocks and then she told us if we wanted to go on our net books and play some games or just sit on the mat and watch sky high it was pretty cool.HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS LAVAKULA.
Waiohine flood
The day before yesterday me and my reading group Marmite's had to make a animation about Waiohine flood poem and we each had a verse to animate and put it on our blog and here is a short movie that I made.
Jessica waiohine flood v5 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Jessica waiohine flood v5 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Fairytale Research
Hello today I am telling you all about Goldilocks and the three bears.
Goldilocks and the three bears,is a England tale so it is from England.It was first publish in 1839 and twelve years from this year I got all of this from Googel search.
Play 2
hi this is my play reflection that I wrote.
last friday we performed our play and some things worked like the audience was listening and quiet but some things didn’t work like some people was saying hurry up so we can have free time.Next time I was thinking that I should tell my group to bring their costumes and do some actions.I was in Taunese’s group and it was okay a little bit and our second play was a little bit frustrating because the people in our group wasn’t here and they forgot their books at home and I was the only one with the book.After all of that we didn’t have time for our pay because it was almost home time and I felt sad when it was home time I really wanted to do our play cause we were the only one that didn’t did our play.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Esther again
Today in C.R.E we learned about Esther and Mordecai.Miss Hare and Mrs Clark were dressed up in Costumes.
In the story of Mordecai heard about the letter so Mordecai gave the letter to Esther's slave.Esther's slave went to her and she reeded the letter and the letter said all Jewish parents and children are to be killed and their property are to be taken.
In the story of Mordecai heard about the letter so Mordecai gave the letter to Esther's slave.Esther's slave went to her and she reeded the letter and the letter said all Jewish parents and children are to be killed and their property are to be taken.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Hello I am telling you all about timeline of boys he is growing older on every years.Timeline is a line that shows ageing
Monday, 16 September 2013
All about the Moriori people
good morning ladies and gentle men and boys and girls today Monday sixteen I made a presentation all about the Moriori people and Rekohu it is really amazing and do you know what I learned heaps of things from them.thank you alot and enjoy you are welcome.And please leave me a comment.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Aladdin vs the Hare and the Tortoise
Hi everyone today I made a Venn diagram about Aladdin and the hare and the tortoise.And I hope you leave me a comment and enjoy.Thank you very much heaps of thanks to all of you's.
Trip to youth town
hello there as you can see I made a presentation all about you town because we went there yesterday it was so fun because it was in the city.thank you very much and I hhope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Esther contiunes
Today at C.R.E we continued with Esther and Xerxes.One day Mordecai which is Esther's cousin was at the palus because he got a job from the king.In the afternoon he heard some guards whispering to each other and said how about lets go and kill Xerxes and assinated so he ran and told the king.The king said that we should have a new Primenister his name was Haman and he was so excited and then after that he made a new plane it was if he would walk around all the people have to bell down to him but there was one person that did not do what he asked for so then he told Xerxes and he said send a letter to all the people and tell them kill mum,childs and dads near the country.After that Mordecai was crying and ripping his clothes off.Tell more next week the end and please please please leave me a comment thank you very much.
Friday, 6 September 2013
Interview with my friend
Hello and good afternoon.On Monday we went to life education and learnt about why are friends important and who are the important one in our family I hope you enjoy and please leave me a comment.
1. What is your full name?Rowana Tui
2. Who, if anyone, are you named after? Her Nana
3. Who are other members of your family? Her Great grammar and Her Great gramper.
4. Do you have any pets? yes What are their names? Jessie and Rocky.
5. What is your ethnicity? samoan,tongan.
6. When is your birthday?At the end of the year.
7. What is the name of your favourite book? Rapunzel
8. What is the name of your favourite tv programme? Austin and Ally.
9. Who is your favourite singer?Demi lovato
10. What is your favourite song?Bulletproof
11. What is your favourite sports?Netball,Rugby
12. What is your favourite food?Butter Chicken
13. What do you want to be when you grow up?Cooker
14. What do you want to do for your next birthday?Huawei
15. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?Hollywood
My Baking
Hi everybody yesterday we made cupcakes for our class it was super moist cupcakes they were really yummy.I hope you enjoy thank you very much and please leave me a comment.

Baking Cupcakes from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.

Baking Cupcakes from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
King and Queen
Today in C.R.E with Mr.s Clark told us a story it was about Esther.One day there was king and Queen named Xerxes and Vashti.king Xerxes told all the people that was near and far come to his pales and have party for six mounths.After that Xerxes said to a slave go and tell Vashti to come so I can show her off to all the how she is so beautiful but she said no so then he said to his older buddie and said Queen won't listen to me and he said send her off and don't let her come back.and she did after that he was lonely and said to his buddie what should we do and he said beauty contest and they all got the beautiful and this woman named Esther took part of this and do you know what she won the contst and she was the new Queen.
We learned to be and do the best that we can.We can do this by listening and being kind and thoughtful.
Ephesians 2: 10 God planed for us to do good things.
We learned to be and do the best that we can.We can do this by listening and being kind and thoughtful.
Ephesians 2: 10 God planed for us to do good things.
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