This blog post is about Samoa and a little bit of English I hope you enjoy please leave me a comment thank you. There is a picture that I have drawed.
Mum shouted “Guess what kids we are going to Samoa for the month just to have some peace and quiet!’’. “Yes Yes Yes’’ we are going to Samoa hooray. Bella was so excited, she even started packing her clothes when they are going on Saturday night. Suddenly Emma came in their room sobbing and crying. Bella asked her what had happened she said that her boyfriend dumped her. Bella was so angry at her twin sister’s boyfriend Tim. Bella wanted Ella to feel happy then she remembered that they were going to Samoa for the month Bella told Ella about the Wonderful news and then Ella stopped crying.
Ella was so relief she can have some peace and quiet to her self. “O.M.G is it saturday night?’’ said Ella “yes it is’’ said Bella. They finally got to the plane and were all sitting down on the comfortable chairs chilaxing, they felt the vibration of the plane taking off. Ella was staring out the window and then she saw these green beautiful palm trees, Ella thought they were just parrots flying around the sky hunting for food but actually they were in SAMOA. OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH! were at Samoa! Three of the ladies took a step on the Samoan ground and they all said at the same time “Feels good to be at Samoa’’.
Katrina (mum) was trying to find somebody to take them to the capital of Samoa while Bella and Ella found a woman dressed up nicely in Samoan clothes. They said she is a Tourist. ‘’Hello there” said Katrina can you give us some direction to the capital of Samoa please because we just came from New Zealand. So the tourist gave them some direction and then they arrived at Apia the capital of Samoa.
Bella and Ella was wondering on the beach and then they met this handsome boy called Rick Ella and Bella was in love with him but Rick likes Ella better than Bella. One day Bella got jealous and she asked her mum if she can give her a makeover so that Rick can like her instead of Ella. Bella was walking down the beach after she had her makeover and saw Rick coming towards her. Rick said ‘’Is that you Bella” Bella said anxiously of course who do you think I am ‘’Ella of course not.” Rick said ‘’you look so amazing” ‘’thank you” said Bella. Suddenly Ella saw Rick and Bella kissing and then they heard Ella running and crying Bella felt sorry for her.
So then Bella told her that she is sorry for kissing Rick and she will never do that again. Ella felt better and she said ‘’ How about we just leave him alone and enjoy Samoa” ‘’Okay.” So they left Rick alone and enjoyed Samoa.