Once upon a time in a mysterious Island called Cabonga there lived two very stupid brothers. One day the two brothers ate this stinky, rotten cheese that their mother told them not to eat. But they ate it and they didn’t know that the cheese they ate had been in the fridge since their little sister was borned. Now she’s 10 years old so basicly they ate an 10 year old, stinky rotten cheese. At that moment their stomach was feeling very very upset. Instead of lying down and chilaxing like normal kids would do when their stomach hurts so bad, they decided to go into the deep mysterious ocean.
A Long long time ago, in the 1800’s there were two siblings that wanted to watch the sun go down from the middle of the ocean, but their mother told them to stay because it was too dangerous. The two siblings didn’t listen so they got their canoes and paddled into the middle of the ocean. Suddenly midnight came by and the siblings mother was looking for them, but she never ever saw them ever again.
The two brothers were too dumb to believe the story so off they went and did the same mistake like the other two siblings did before. When they arrived at the middle of the ocean they just stopped and looked around until suddenly. They were dragged underneath the water by a hand that felt like gooey worms. They both screamed for help, but nobody heard them. After that they just disappeared.
After the two stupid brothers were gone there were these two boys called David and Sean. They had this feeling that something went wrong in the middle of the ocean. These boys weren’t any normal humans they were like spiritual ghosts that knew everything that happened. So they got a canoe and found a wooden stick and paddled fast to the middle of the ocean. When they arrived there, they felt clothes and shoes floating around. The two boys couldn’t see anything because they were blind. The two boys suspected that there was something underwater that needed to rise out from the ocean. So they both took a long deep breath and dived underwater and tried to feel something with their hands and body.
As they were feeling and touching around they found two bodies and they swam up with the bodies above the water. The two boys didn’t know what the bodies looked like, but they brang the bodies and other stuff out of the ocean. It turned out that the two boys that they brang out of the ocean was the two stupid brothers. The two stupid brothers were lucky to be brought back to life. After the two boys saved the two stupid brothers they disappeared into nowhere just like that. Since then, the two stupid brothers didn’t do anything wrong and silly and they were known as the smartest brothers ever known. The End.