Today is Monday, March 16, 2015. In the street at 8:30 am in the morning the bell rang and all team five students and team five teachers had to go into the street to have assembly. When Mrs Moala was telling us what are the things that we are doing today she told us it was Mrs Tele’a Birthday and she said when Mrs Tele’a comes back from a meeting we straight away start singing Happy Birthday to her. As soon as Mrs Tele’a came back from the meeting we sang Happy Birthday to her and Miss Peato got the two girls that did the mihi to give Mrs Tele’a a small chocolate cake, red wine and a packet of lollies.
After that we finished our assembly and went back to our home class. We had a few minutes at our home class until we had to go to our literacy class when we went to our reading class’s I saw Mrs Tele’a going on youtube and searching for a Samoan music for something, but I didn’t know what she was going to do with the music. All of a sudden I heard a samoan song playing and Boys from the street was shouting chee huuuu!! and I saw Mrs Tele’a dancing and some of the boys dancing too.
All of the year seven and eights students left their work behind and started watching them dance. I saw one girl called Yanquasia, but we call her Quasia for short anyways she wasn’t shy enough to dance for Mrs Tele’a birthday a few minutes she was dancing and the she stopped and Miss Peato came in started dancing and then Mr Wiseman came in and did his cool as moves. Then The party was over and we came back to our work and carried on.
Mrs Tele’a Birthday was so amazing I hope for my one to be like that.
Talofa Jessica, apologies on my very late comment. I'm glad you got to see this take place. I hope you got to have a little dance yourself with the other students. I think your writing includes a lot of good detail. Those who missed this fun time will certainly be able to picture it with what you've written here. Looking forward to seeing you grow even more confident in the new year.