It’s Saturday 17th of July and it’s Charlie’s Birthday. She is 245 years old and is a single mum with three kids and they are Danie, Tyler and J.T. As the sun shone on her face she woke up excitingly and got dressed in Purple clothing because she loves the colour Purple and when I mean loves I mean loves. She then brushed her hair and also brushed her teeth after that she put on her same old lucky stinky socks on she headed out the door to walk to the Chocolate Cake Store. When she had entered the Chocolate Cake Store she had bought herself a big chocolate mud cake for her to eat alone for breakfast by the way she really loves chocolates (everyday she always eats Chocolates).

At last she had finished eating the whole Chocolate mud cake. Anyways when she finished eating her stomach gave her a bad stomach aek so she rested for a little while. While she was resting she was thinking of doing something crazy for her Birthday like Sky Diving so she can get over her fear of heights. So after her stomach aek she was on a plane in the air high in the sky and she was afraid and scared of jumping off the plane (it took her almost an hour to jump off the plane) then she counted on to three and when she said three she jumped off the plane and she was screaming her heart out and it looked like she was losing control of her body (she was crazy as hell trust me).
A few minutes later she landed on earth and saw a group of young and fit people running a marathon so she decided to run with them too. During the marathon they got back to their city and they ran past a bank and Charlie had stopped running because she was going to rob the ASB bank, but first she she stuffed her hand inside her right hand cardigan pocket and grabbed out a black beanie that has two holes on it so that Charlie’s eyes can see where she’s going. Quickly she ran out the ASB bank with Billions of cash and she ran all the way to that Chocolate Cake Store because all that running made her hungry again so she took off her black beanie and she went to the cake store and she ate another big Chocolate mud cake.
Finally she got back home and when she opened the door all you can hear was HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM! and she was so shocked. When they finished eating another chocolate mud cake which is her favourite cake the Police’s came to her house and when the Police knocked on the door Charlie opened the door and she was nervous as if she was going to jail. “Are you Charlie Brook’’ said the Police and Charlie replied back no sir I am Cathy Brook I think you are looking for my twin sister Charlie Brook. The Police’s asked her where do you think Charlie Brook lives and she said she lives at Tauranga so the Police’s went and she was so happy the Police’s went so she can enjoy her birthday party with her children.
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