This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Monday, 30 May 2016
Introduction To Algebra
This presentation is the introduction for Algebra. This week my Maths Class is learning about Algebra. Algebra is a problem and there is a letter x or y (Just has to be a letter) and it replaces any numbers in to problem or equation. You will know when you look in the presentation. I hope you learn something new and understand a little bit about Algebra. Thank you and I hope you enjoy. Goodbye.
Wednesday, 25 May 2016
Mixture Of Problems T1
This presentation is my learning. There is three questions on every slide and we have to pick only one and answer it. We also have to show how we solved the problem. This is my learning of Maths. We are learning to use different kind of operation to use in our equation and working out. I Hope you enjoy.
My New Blog
Hi Blog viewers, A few weeks ago I have made my own Blog which is called Jessica's Blog (Just write On that Blog is bunch of stuff of what I did in the Holidays and Weekends and heaps of fun stuff. I wish you all to click the link onto and my new Blog and just check it out please. I will hopefully be posting up heaps of loads of fun awesome stuff for you guys. So please go and check it (Make it a bookmark too) and leave some comments. If it doesn't work Sorry.
Johnny Angel Padlet
This is a screenshot of my Padlet. If you can see closely the Padlet shows some question and answers from us students and our teacher. The questions are about this artist called Johnny Angel and he sketches Samoan superheros. He really is passionate about sketching and drawing and he now trying to make little movies of his drawing and stuff.
Monday, 23 May 2016
Waka Padlet
This screenshot of a Padlet shows people's (Us students in Literacy Class) meanings about the four waka's. The four waka's are Te Aurere (Red), Hine Moana (Blue), Hikianalia (Yellow) & Hokule'a (Green). This is part of our work in our literacy class. I hope you get something out of this padlet thing know what the meaning of the four waka's thank you.
Friday, 20 May 2016
Wool & Nail Art
Yesterday Room 1 started making a Wool & Nail Art. Wool & Nail Art is when you have a plank of wood and then you hammer nails down into the plank of wood (You can create any kind of logo or something with the nails). After that you then thread you're piece of art with wool. My partner for this project was my friend May. Here is a picture of us and our Wool & Nail Art. I hope you enjoy it.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
Attitude Talk
The week before last week there was this guy that came to the Intermediate block at our school and talked about Attitude and who we are. His name was Nate, he was really funny because he was mocking his mum and talked about himself when he was in college or intermediate. He also talked about these four different animals and their meanings. First there was an otter. The otter is the one that wants to do everything the fun way like he is a clown or a joker. Second was a Lion. The lion is the one that bosses everybody and tells them what to do and that and that person doesn't have any care for others. The third animal is a Dog. The dog is called the The Golden Retriever because when he or she finds someone hurt or feeling sad they won't just leave it there they will go and help them with what they need help with. It also gives peace to the world. The last, but not least is the Beaver. The beaver is the one who is really responsible and good at taking care of things. Like they won't boss and shout at them or they won't be silly they will take things not seriously, but in a way that people would like. So yeah Nate was talking about heaps and loads of things about Attitude and who we are and what we may do to just try and fit in. I hope you got some facts and information from my piece of writing and make sure when you join something new or meet somebody new just be yourself.
Revolution Tour
Last week on Thursday the 12 of May, 2016 the Revolution Tour came to our school for the year 7 and 8's. They came to our school to talk to us about and what life (Past & the Future) is really about who we really are deep down and stuff like that. Little information about them is that they really like singing and dancing so much we had some spare time with them for us to get up and dance and just enjoy the special time with the Revolution Tour. There was a special guest from America that joined in the Revolution Tour too. His name was Reggie Dabbs. He didn't tell us his last name, but when I searched him up his last name came up so Dabbs is his last name (BTW I wasn't stalking him) Reggie first introduced himself to us which was really funny. Reggie had a really sad past of his life when he was young, but I'm not going to tell you because it's too sad. I am the same with Reggie, but I still break through it so that means if I can do it you all can do it. The Revolution Tour gave us some very Important special inspiring things that we will all put into practice even when we still grow old. To me the Revolution Tour are so Inspiring. They have changed a bit in me and part of my understandings.
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Reggie Dabbs |
Monday, 16 May 2016
Iluminate Brainstorm
This is my brainstorm about Iluminate. Iluminate was a team of dancers from America that had came to Point England School to perform for us and so this is my brainstorm of what they did for us. On the brainstorm I tell and show you about who they are what does their costumes look like and other stuff. I hope you enjoy and thank you for visiting my blog.
Friday, 13 May 2016
This Week!
This week has been a blast of inspirational, good fun talking and moving around getting active. On Tuesday Point England School was enjoying and loving the performance that this little group called Iluminate came and danced for us. Iluminate is a team of dancers and they dance, but not only that their costumes are black because it has to be black and on the black clothing is glowing stuff and bright colorful light that shines in the dark. In the hall Point England School was sitting down and when the lights turned off we saw bright colored lights shinning on the stage it was the Iluminate team of the dancers. The Iluminate team of dancers were from America. The team members were Mat, Lisa, Danny and the person the controls the lights and music was Bob. They were dancing really really fantastic I wish I can dance like that.
Monday, 9 May 2016
Padlet George Viral
These two screen shots that I have took is about our writing activity. Our writing activity is about this boy at our school that is our new prefect. A prefect is a person that is a leader of the school students. So last week on Friday this new boy called George just attended Point England School last term and he is now is a prefect. In our literacy class our teacher Mrs Muliaumasealii created a new padlet thing that we haven't used before and wrote question on it about George. We have to answer the question and then take a screen shot and post it to our own blog and write something with it describing what the blog post is about. Here are two screen shots of the padlet thingy.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Immersion Assembly Brainstorm
Fiafia Awesome Night
Oh My Gosh. Last night was just a mind blow. On Thursday night (Last night) our school Fiafia was held on the Netball court and partly on the field. When the Tongan Girls (Us) were getting ready to look so fantastically beautiful I was so so excited and nervous at the same time. Mr Burt called from the speaker and announced that we had only five minutes left to go to the Netball courts now. Five minutes later I was rushing to put my lipstick on and then I ran back to the hall. Now it was that moment when we have to walk to the Netball courts and sit there until Fiafia starts which was on at 7:00 pm.
While we were walking there I saw the Niue group and the Tongan Boys group walking to the same direction as we were going. When the Fiafia started I was cheering and shouting and just screaming my lungs out. The Senior Kapa Haka really performed so amazingly well for the first performance. My favourite performances were us the Tongan Girls, Tongan Boys, Senior Samoan group, Junior Hip Hop, Niue group, Senior Hip Hop, Cook Island and more.
While we were walking there I saw the Niue group and the Tongan Boys group walking to the same direction as we were going. When the Fiafia started I was cheering and shouting and just screaming my lungs out. The Senior Kapa Haka really performed so amazingly well for the first performance. My favourite performances were us the Tongan Girls, Tongan Boys, Senior Samoan group, Junior Hip Hop, Niue group, Senior Hip Hop, Cook Island and more.
Tuesday, 3 May 2016

After Arizona’s speech the other special guest came up and introduced himself to us. His name is Kenese Samia. Kenese talked about himself like how his mother raised him up by herself and how his twin brother past away when he was at a young age. Then Kenese and his mother came to New Zealand because Kenese's mother wanted Kenese to have a good education. He now has a father and he is very pleasured for him to be in his life. Now Kenese is trying to accomplish his dreams like Arizona did.
Term 2 Immersion Assembly
This is a writing of our School Immersion Assembly. Yesterday we had a School Immersion Assembly in the hall for our Topic this new Term. Our topic this Term is As I See It. I hope you like and enjoy my writing.
My favourite item of all was Team 5. Team 5 are learning about the four waka’s. The four waka’s are all named and here are their names and their meanings. Hine Moana is one waka and it represents the colour blue and the ocean. Hokule’a is another waka and Hokule’a represents the colour Green and its ancestors and the earth. There is another waka and it is called Te Aurere. Te Aurere represents the colour Red and Blood Sweat and Tears. Last, but not least is the waka called Hikianalia. Hikianalia represents the colour Yellow and also the stars. The Team 5 teacher had their speeches and talked about what their waka means and after that they had a race. The race was so funny that’s why Team 5 was my favourite item.
Point England students and teachers just came back from their two week holiday. Today is the first day of Term 2 and Point England School started the day off with a School Immersion Assembly. We always have a School Immersion Assembly because it is for the Term 2 Topic. Our topic this Term is As I See It. It’s kind of like art.
Team 1 took the stage with what they were learning about. Team 1 is learning about what they’re favourite things are and I think they have to draw their favourite things. Before one of the teachers from Team 1 stood up and talked about what they are about to learn there was a movie showing the Team 1 teachers favourite things. Miss George’s favourite things is her Family, Chocolate, playing Tennis and her students. Miss Lal’s favourite things is her Culture group (Indian), her son, Chocolate, reading books, Mission Bay’s fountain and her students at school. Miss Peck’s favourite things is her Pandora bracelet and there is some more, but I can’t remember. Miss Wild’s favourite things is her dog Joey, reading books and her students. Lucky last Miss Dwyer’s favourite things is ballerina and reading books.
Then it was Team 2’s turn. Team 2 are learning about the four seasons and what they are going to make and create from the different seasons and what they are going to look like. Each teacher in Team 2 has a season each and in their class they are going to learn about it and make things for the season. Miss Eadie has Winter to learn about with her class. Miss Szymanik has Summer to learn about with her students which is really Hot! Miss Nalder and her students has Spring to learn about and Miss Tumahi has Autumn to learn about with her kids.
Next up was Team 3. Team 3 are learning about architect. Which means they are looking at different kinds of houses and how they are built and what they are built with. Also they are looking at what shapes and sizes there are on the houses. They are also trying to design some houses.
After Team 3 was obviously Team 4 and it was. Team 4 are looking at Comic Books. This term they are going to look at all the superheroes and look at their costume and how they are designed. They also might be designing their own superheroes and that is all.
My favourite item of all was Team 5. Team 5 are learning about the four waka’s. The four waka’s are all named and here are their names and their meanings. Hine Moana is one waka and it represents the colour blue and the ocean. Hokule’a is another waka and Hokule’a represents the colour Green and its ancestors and the earth. There is another waka and it is called Te Aurere. Te Aurere represents the colour Red and Blood Sweat and Tears. Last, but not least is the waka called Hikianalia. Hikianalia represents the colour Yellow and also the stars. The Team 5 teacher had their speeches and talked about what their waka means and after that they had a race. The race was so funny that’s why Team 5 was my favourite item.
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