
Thursday, 19 May 2016

Attitude Talk

The week before last week there was this guy that came to the Intermediate block at our school and talked about Attitude and who we are. His name was Nate, he was really funny because he was mocking his mum and talked about himself when he was in college or intermediate. He also talked about these four different animals and their meanings. First there was an otter. The otter is the one that wants to do everything the fun way like he is a clown or a joker. Second was a Lion. The lion is the one that bosses everybody and tells them what to do and that and that person doesn't have any care for others. The third animal is a Dog. The dog is called the The Golden Retriever because when he or she finds someone hurt or feeling sad they won't just leave it there they will go and help them with what they need help with. It also gives peace to the world. The last, but not least is the Beaver. The beaver is the one who is really responsible and good at taking care of things. Like they won't boss and shout at them or they won't be silly they will take things not seriously, but in a way that people would like. So yeah Nate was talking about heaps and loads of things about Attitude and who we are and what we may do to just try and fit in. I hope you got some facts and information from my piece of writing and make sure when you join something new or meet somebody new just be yourself.

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